Linden Tree Inn

Linden Tree Inn
Linden Tree Inn, Rockport, MA

Monday, June 1, 2009


The flowers are budding in the garden, and soon there will be a profusion of peonies and roses.....these are a few pictures I took in the garden the last day of May.

1 comment:

Cassandra Krivy Hirsch said...

Hi, Tobey and John~

Lovely photos of my favorite inn. Now that my first year of teaching is officially behind me, I'm ready to tackle (and finish) the book. In mid-July, I'll be heading to Cape Cod to visit a friend and hope to detour to Rockport to say hello to you. On my blog are a few essays about staying at the Linden Tree. If you add my link to your blog, perhaps others can read them. Hope all is well with you both and that the season is already generous with visitors to the Inn.